Career assessment for
Class 8 to 12, undergraduate &
post graduate students
Career is something we/our kids live with for the rest of our/their lives. Our 5 dimensional highly accurate career assessment gives you/your child the right career guidance at the right time
- Career personality
- Career values
- Interest
- Skill & Ability
- Aptitude
Career assessment is in depth process to understand you/your child in totality and not just by IQ. It takes aprox. 2-3 hours for the complete understanding, evaluation & analysis to be able to draw upon the best suited career path.

Step – 1
Counselling session
One on one session with our experienced counsellors

Step – 2
Psychometric testing
Evaluation using Projective & Objective tests

Step – 3
Report Generation
Choosing right career clusters

Step – 4
Drawing Road Map
Analysing the report & charting Plan A – Plan B